Under the M.O.R.E. Program enrollment for the after school enrichment classes is available to all students throughout the year. Spaces are limited! Upon registering, your child will be placed on a waitlist.
Summer camp for enrolled Moreland School District students entering K-6th grade.
EDS After-School Sports
Moreland School District fee based child care, academic support, and enrichment program.
Latimer School After School Sports Program
Band & Orchestra
MMS After-School Sports
The Moreland Preschool gives children a head start on their path as creative life-long learners in a caring and safe learning environment.
EDS After-School Sports Program: Boys Basketball & Cross-Country
Moreland School District After-School Sports: Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball
Moreland School District's After-School Sports: Girls Basketball
MSD After-School Sports: Girls Volleyball & Boys Soccer
MSD After-School Sports: Track & Field
Latimer School After-School Sports Program: Boys Basketball & Cross-Country
Latimer After-School Sports Programs: Girls Basketball
Moreland School District After-School Sports: Girls Volleyball & Boys Soccer
Moreland School District After-school Sports: Track & Field
MMS After-School Sports Program: Boys Basketball & Cross-Country
Moreland School District's After-School Sports: Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball
MSD After-School Sports: Girls Basketball
Band & Orchestra Performance Field Trips