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Moreland School District

Welcome to our online registration and payment system

Moreland School District is excited to use Eleyo for easy-to-navigate online registration and payments. This online system will enable you to register for all after school programs, check account balances, make payments, print receipts and child care tax statements, and request schedule changes. Setting up your family profile is essential to register for Moreland's Extended Day, Preschool, Summer Camp programs, and/or Moreland's After School Athletics.  


  • Plan at least 15 minutes to complete the registration.  Once started, the information is not saved until completed.
  • Ignore Section 3 "Helpful Info" of the questionnaire as it only pertains to federally funded school aged programs.  Fields with a golden star are required.
  • Email addresses are not required for persons listed on your authorized pick-up.  If an email is added, Eleyo will automatically request the person to set-up an account.
  • Thank you for making sure your information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

Complete Steps 1 and 2 to Register

1.  Create or log into your Eleyo profile:  Login / Create an Eleyo Profile

2.  After you create your Eleyo profile/login, click on the image above the program to register

Child Care Options


Fee Based Before & After School Program


Weekly Themed Summer Camp Program


Play Based Child Center

Moreland Athletics


Organized After School Sports


Organized After School Sports 


Organized After School Sports

* If you already have an Eleyo profile and are registering for After School Sports or Enrichment classes, click on "Explore Programs" on your dashboard to enroll.