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Anderson School
Course Category
About Anderson School

M.O.R.E. stands for Moreland’s Opportunities for Recreation and Enrichment, and we are excited to launch this new program this year! Under our M.O.R.E Program, Moreland School District offers after-school enrichment classes at all school sites. The after-school enrichment classes operate throughout the school year. Spaces are limited!  Classes offered at Anderson School are free to all students.

Upon registering, your child will be placed on a waitlist. After the registration period, students will be selected for classes. 

If your child is selected:

  1. They will be placed on the class roster.
  2. You will receive an email confirmation.

Should you have any questions, please email or call (408) 874-2978.


  • To register for a class, you must create an Eleyo profile. If you already have an Eleyo account, please login.
  • Your child(ren) must be added to your Eleyo profile. To do this, select "Add Family Member / Relationship" and follow the prompts.
  • A saved method of payment must be linked to your Eleyo profile.
  • You must click on the "Checkout" button at the end of registering for a class. Failure to do so will make your registration incomplete, and your child will not be placed on the waitlist.
  • All classes are free at Anderson School.  Your card will not be charged.
  • Students can only register for classes offered at the school they are attending.


  1. From the Eleyo enrichment registration page, scroll to the bottom and select "Saved Payment Method"
  2. Select "Add Saved Payment Method"
  3. Follow prompts to enter payment information
There are no Anderson School courses available for registration.