Under the M.O.R.E. Program enrollment for the after school enrichment classes is available to all students throughout the year. Spaces are limited! Upon registering, your child will be placed on a waitlist.
EDS After-School Sports
Moreland School District fee based child care, academic support, and enrichment program.
Latimer School After School Sports Program
Band & Orchestra
MMS After-School Sports
The Moreland Preschool gives children a head start on their path as creative life-long learners in a caring and safe learning environment.
EDS After-School Sports Program: Boys Basketball & Cross-Country
Moreland School District After-School Sports: Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball
Moreland School District's After-School Sports: Girls Basketball
MSD After-School Sports: Girls Volleyball & Boys Soccer
MSD After-School Sports: Track & Field
Latimer School After-School Sports Program: Boys Basketball & Cross-Country
Latimer After-School Sports Programs: Girls Basketball
Moreland School District After-School Sports: Girls Volleyball & Boys Soccer
Moreland School District After-school Sports: Track & Field
MMS After-School Sports Program: Boys Basketball & Cross-Country
Moreland School District's After-School Sports: Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball
MSD After-School Sports: Girls Basketball
Band & Orchestra Performance Field Trips
Please note: You are registering your child for the waitlist. If you child is selected to participate in the class, their name and information will be moved from the wait list to the class roster. You will be notified if your child is placed in this class. / Tenga en cuenta: está registrando a su hijo en la lista de espera. Si su hijo es seleccionado para participar en la clase, su nombre e información se moverán de la lista de espera a la lista de la clase.
Crossover basketball is a class for beginning to intermediate basketball players. Our main goal at Crossover is to foster a love for the game of basketball and sports in general. Beyond that, we provide students with fundamentals and a platform to build and expand on. To do this, we use popular activities and intertwine them with basketball ideologies, which equates to playing fun games to work on technique and skill.
El baloncesto cruzado es una clase para jugadores de baloncesto principiantes e intermedios. Nuestro principal objetivo en Crossover es fomentar el amor por el baloncesto y los deportes en general. Más allá de eso, brindamos a los estudiantes conceptos básicos y una plataforma para construir y expandirse. Para ello utilizamos actividades populares y las entrelazamos con ideologías del baloncesto, lo que equivale a realizar juegos divertidos para trabajar la técnica y la habilidad.
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