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WINTER 24/25: Kodely Innovators with Minecraft (6th-8th)

After-School Enrichment Classes / EDS School -
After School Enrichment 24/25

If your child loves Minecraft and wants to learn how to mod and build custom creations with coding, this is the perfect class! They'll develop problem-solving skills within Minecraft's open-ended world, joining a community of makers who dream up new creations. Through coding mods and add-ons, they'll unleash their creativity and learn valuable programming skills.

Si a su hijo le encanta Minecraft y quiere aprender cómo para modificar y crear creaciones personalizadas con codificación, esto es la clase perfecta! Desarrollarán la resolución de problemas. Habilidades dentro del mundo abierto de Minecraft, unirte a uncomunidad de creadores que idean nuevas creaciones. A través de modificaciones de codificación y complementos, desatarán su creatividad y aprender programación valiosa habilidades.

Please note: You are registering your child for the waitlist. If you child is selected to participate in the class, their name and information will be moved from the wait list to the class roster. You will be notified if your child is placed in this class. A saved method of payment must be saved to your Eleyo profile. If a method of payment is not saved, your child's enrollment will be forfeited. / Tenga en cuenta: está registrando a su hijo en la lista de espera. Si su hijo es seleccionado para participar en la clase, su nombre e información se moverán de la lista de espera a la lista de la clase. Se le notificará si su hijo es colocado en esta clase. Un método de pago guardado debe guardarse en su perfil de Eleyo. Si no se guarda un método de pago, se perderá la inscripción de su hijo.

There is no cost to register for the waitlist. If your child is selected for the class, your card on file will be charged the class fee of $128. / No hay costo para registrarse en la lista de espera. Si su hijo es seleccionado para la clase, a su tarjeta registrada se le cobrará la tarifa de la clase de $128.

Students must bring district-issued Chromebook to class

WINTER: EDS: Innovators with Minecraft 6th-8th Waitlist Closed
Easterbrook Discovery School
Wednesdays, Jan 22 - Mar 5
1:00 - 2:00 PM

  No Class Feb 19


Grades   6th - 8th

Price: $ 0 00

Online registration is over